Sultanate of Sulu declares independence and chooses Shariah currency (new!)

Posted by DZULASREE @ Asree Sug on Friday, June 4, 2010 0 ulasan


"You don't need United Nations to grant you independence; Allah has already given it to you.  Malaysia or Indonesia can't help you to become an independent state because they themselves are not free states; one day you will have to free the Malay World from the oppression of Capitalism and Democracy, and you'll have to free Filipinos from their horrendous and corrupt regime and make them Muslims.  You have the spirit of success in your genes, it were you and Aceh who fought until the end.  Nationalist state under the auspices of the United Nation is not your goal and can't be your goal if you want to win; because if you say ‘nation state' then I am a foreigner in your land but if you say ‘Darul Islam' then I am one of you and your fight is my fight" - said Umar Pasha to the Sulu people.  

Prof Umar Pasha Vadillo sedang bergambar dengan Tausug di Masai, Johor.

Penulis sudah berkali-kali katakan tiada tuntutan terhadap Sabah adalah kerana SULU akan mengamalkan pemerintahan Islam yang adil lagi saksama, tiada sempadan dan pemisahan antara negara kerana kalimah La ilaha illallah adalah PASSPORTNYA. Kembalinya dinar ke tangan Tausug maka kekuatan ekonomi Islam akan kembali. Membaca tulisan Sidi AbdalGhany Aoueskhanov dalam telah berjaya membuka minda penulis seterusnya menambah semangat juang meneruskan perjuangan MENGEMBALIKAN KEMERDEKAAN SULU secara aman (anti Perang & anti Keganasan). Perjuangan ini akan bertambah kekuatannya dengan Dinar dan Perak.


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